Science Covid seen more in 10- to 19-year-olds than in younger ...

Tests are reliable for Omicron, while experts believe vaccines will hold up to the variant

Science Extreme heat is on for middle-aged people and those from cooler climes
Science ‘Fragile, imperfect’ deal to stop global warming needs nations to act fast
Science Your dream retirement: sleep enough to stay sharp as you age
Science PODCAST | The whole truth and nothing but on vaccines and ivermectin
Science PODCAST | We’re in a pandemic — but other extreme events are on their way
Science Shu! What small ears you have for such acute hearing, you bizarre little thing
Sci-Tech Pretoria teen flies SA banner at tech fest with artificial intelligence project
Sci-Tech Toxic puffer fish mass washouts in Cape Town
Science Forgotten freshwater fish need to be brought back from the brink
Science Daily fix: a cup of coffee a day keeps the doctor away
Science Oh my word, these ‘gifted’ canines are hot dogs!
Science It’s not about having a whale of a time, tourist boats need to give a wide berth
Science SA hits the nail on the head with its first choice of vaccine
Science Ugly bugs had a ball when early hominins croaked at the Cradle
Science PODCAST | Is pollen the bee’s knees of forensic science?
Science If the Cape wants to save jobs, it must save its sharks ... urgently
Science Attention! Media multitasking fuels forgetfulness
Science Goddess’s fire and desire leads to yeah baby Venus moment
Science Scientists turn to new weaponry in pandemic war while awaiting vaccines