Claire Keeton Senior features writer

Claire Keeton is a features writer who has earned awards for her HIV and mental health coverage, and has reported on Covid, including as a vaccine trial volunteer and from inside a Covid ICU. She has spent 30 years exploring SA and been to more than 60 countries reporting on human rights, civil conflicts and environmental threats, as well as doing adventure travel

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
You are what you app: you can be IDed by how you use your smartphone

Usage data collected by devices can yield individual patterns with no need to monitor conversations or behaviours

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
Showdown on the wild West Coast as communities take on miners, prospectors

Activists say the ecology and the livelihoods of traditional fishers on the coast north of Cape Town are threatened by rampant and rapidly expanding ...

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
IN PICS | Meanwhile, outside the corridors of power ...

The arrest of Zandile Christmas Mafe for alleged arson following the near-destruction of parliament has shone the spotlight on the plight of the ...

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
More secrets of the underworld exposed in 'Trafficked' season two

Investigate journalist Mariana van Zeller gets under the skins of some of the most hardened criminals in this National Geographic show

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
‘To allay fears of death we need to bring it back to life’

The over-medicalisation of death has pushed it to the back of minds. This needs to change, say experts

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
The numbers game — it’s time to stand up and be counted

Cows, lightning and high walls . . . statistician-general Risenga Maluleke is ready for just about anything as the national census kicks off this week

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
SA climbers pull off superhuman feat so others can second them

Two top athletes have raised more than R100,000 for an Mpumalanga climbing club in a 12-hour competition

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
Dudes, lay off the doob or your brain will be overrun with weeds

Cannabis highs drop brain function, with new studies warning of cognitive risks and social media promotions to teens

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
I feel, therefore I am: Cape neuropsychologist sheds new light on the mind

UCT professor Mark Solms challenges a long-held notion that reason is behind our awareness of ourselves as humans

Claire Keeton Senior features writer
Fifth wave hits parts of Africa and – surprise, surprise – unvaxxed bear brunt

Death rates are rising as Omicron conquers continent, although they are not as high as in previous waves