True Crime South Africa

PODCAST | 'Let’s kill her' — The matricide of Santa Pretorius

04 February 2022 - 12:25 By Nicole Engelbrecht
The investigation and ensuing trial into a case of matricide would reveal a downward spiral of drugs, alleged neglect and teenage angst that culminated in violence. Stock photo.
The investigation and ensuing trial into a case of matricide would reveal a downward spiral of drugs, alleged neglect and teenage angst that culminated in violence. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Markus Schnessl

Matricide is the killing of one’s own mother. It’s a crime that is, perhaps, only made more unthinkable when the perpetrator is a minor.

In 2001, Santa Pretorius became a victim of matricide when her 16-year-old daughter, known in the press at the time as Eve, and her boyfriend, known as Adam, stabbed and strangled her to death while she slept.

The investigation and ensuing trial would reveal a downward spiral of drugs, alleged neglect and teenage angst that culminated in an orgy of violence.

Listen to the story here: 

In episode 72 of True Crime South Africa, we delve into the murder of a mother who seemingly only ever wanted to help her daughter and why in “Eve’s” mind that care became a motive for murder.  

For more episodes, click here.

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