COVID-19 WRAP | Covid mandate protesters gather outside Super Bowl

14 February 2022 - 06:10
By TimesLIVE
A view of the parliament as protesters against the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) restrictions and vaccine mandates camp in front of it, in Wellington, New Zealand, February 14, 2022.
Image: REUTERS/Praveen Menon A view of the parliament as protesters against the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) restrictions and vaccine mandates camp in front of it, in Wellington, New Zealand, February 14, 2022.

February 14 2022 - 12:39

Covid-hit crèches waiting for promised funding

Early childhood development (ECD) centres continue to be severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic while other education sectors return to normalcy, including classes at schools returning to full capacity.   

Nursery schools and crèches, or ECD centres in sector and government speak, accept children from birth to six years and play an important role in their formative years. The effects of having to close because of lockdowns have been worsened by the department of social development’s delay in paying out money from the R496m allocated to the sector as part of an employment stimulus relief fund to help it recover. 

February 14 2022 - 11:09

Taiwan says needs to reopen, to look at easing Covid-19 quarantine rules

Taiwan will look at easing it strict Covid-19 quarantine policy as it needs to gradually resume normal life and reopen to the world , Premier Su Tseng-chang said on Monday.

Since the pandemic began two years ago, Taiwan has succeeded in keeping reported cases of Covid-19 below 20,000, having enforced a blanket two-week quarantine for everyone arriving on the island even as large parts of the rest of the world have ditched theirs.

Speaking at a meeting with senior health officials, Su said that even though there could be further domestic infections the government was “quite confident” in its anti-pandemic measures.

February 14 2022 - 09:30

Just 3% of white collar workers want a full office return

Just 3% of white collar workers want to return to the office five days a week, according to a poll by management consultancy Advanced Workplace Associates, which warned employees will quit if bosses force them back full-time. 

A full 86% of employees want to work from home at least two days a week, the consultancy said after surveying nearly 10,000 people about the world across areas including finance, technology and energy. All age groups felt the same way, they added. Workers reported a preference for commuting into cities on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, raising the prospect of empty offices for the rest of the week.

February 14 2022 - 09:22

South Korea to start giving fourth doses of Covid-19 vaccine by month-end

South Korea will begin giving out fourth doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of February and supply millions of additional home test kits to ease shortages amid a surge in Omicron infections, authorities confirmed on Monday.

The surge has pushed daily cases to records, but widespread vaccination, with first booster shots received by more than 57 percent of the population of 52 million, has helped limit deaths and serious infections.

High-risk groups will be the first to get the fourth dose, in effect a second booster shot, Health Minister Kwon Deok-cheol told a Covid-19 response meeting.

“We’re planning to provide fourth shots to those who live in nursing homes and care facilities and others with declined immunisation, in light of a recent increase of infections among people aged 60 or older,” he said, according to a transcript.

February 14 2022 - 07:51

New Zealand tried to oust protesters by blasting James Blunt and Celine Dion

New Zealand protesters occupying parliament grounds in Wellington were bombarded by a cyclone and Barry Manilow songs over the weekend, but vowed to stay until the government ends Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

The protest entered its seventh day on Monday with the lawns in front of parliament covered by a sea of tents and a large and noisy crowd in attendance. When the remnants of Cyclone Dovi lashed the capital city on Saturday with high winds and torrential rain turning the grounds into a mud bath, protesters covered the area with hay.

February 14 2022 - 07:15

Covid mandate protesters gather outside Super Bowl

A small group of anti-vaccine protesters stood at one of the entrances to the SoFi stadium, carrying banners reading, 'I can't breathe' and 'There is no emergency,' as Rams and Bengals fans filed into the stadium for the #SuperBowl

February 14 2022 - 07:06

How can I get my vaccination certificate if I plan to travel overseas?

International travellers are urged to download their vaccination certificates on the department of health and produce them as proof of vaccination when outside SA. 

The online portal where certificates are available for download is only accessible to fully vaccinated South Africans.

It requires personal details including the proof of the vaccination code which is issued via SMS after full vaccination with the J&J single dose or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. 

The department launched the digital Covid-19 vaccination certificates in October last year.

February 14 2022 - 06:10

Hong Kong to report at least 1,530 Covid cases on Monday - TVB

Hong Kong health authorities are expected to report at least 1,530 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, setting a new record for daily infections, broadcaster TVB said, citing an unidentified source.


February 14 2022 - 06:00

Slow down, world, we haven’t reached the Covid finish line

The era of coronavirus restrictions is fading away, but that doesn’t mean Covid-19 is gone.

Governments are racing to scrap the last remaining pandemic measures, eager to reset the world after two years of dramatic upheaval. Even slow mover Germany is planning to unwind curbs next week, despite setting records for infections on a daily basis. 

Officials say data and science are behind the decisions, but politics, as well as weariness and frustration, are mixed in too.

While the world has changed since early 2020 and new approaches are justified, health officials warn that the virus remains part of our reality. It’s still circulating, new severe variants could emerge, or next winter could spark another seasonal surge. To them, governments appear to be rushing towards something that isn’t quite the finish line.

Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), said it’s “foolish” to drop all precautions.