Man killed by car after 'bludgeoning mother to death' with hammer

21 February 2022 - 21:35
The 26-year-old suspect was run over in the street after allegedly murdering his mother. Stock photo.
The 26-year-old suspect was run over in the street after allegedly murdering his mother. Stock photo.

A man was knocked down and killed by a motorist soon after allegedly bludgeoning his 72-year-old mother to death with a hammer in KwaNobuhle on Monday.

“It is alleged that about 2am, Mrs Nozipho Tshem was sleeping in the living room of her deceased daughter’s house when her son entered the room,” said Eastern Cape police spokesperson Col Priscilla Naidu. “It is further alleged that there was a commotion between the two of them. Mrs Tshem was repeatedly assaulted on her head with a hammer.”

The woman succumbed to her injuries at the scene while her son, aged 26, fled.

Family members reported the incident to the police and a murder case was opened. “While police were still at the scene, there was a complaint of a culpable homicide in Matanzima Street [KwaNobuhle main road].

“It is alleged that about 4.30am a driver of a VW Polo reported at the police station and informed police that he had knocked [down] a person,” said Naidu.

Police arrived at the scene of the collision and found a man lying on the road.

“He died before receiving any medical attention. The deceased person was later identified Siya Tshem, the suspect in the murder of Nozipho Tshem,” said Naidu.

The mother and son lived in Cape Town but were in the Eastern Cape after attending the funeral of the woman’s daughter in KwaNobuhle.

The police are investigating a case of culpable homicide.



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