WATCH | Bheki Cele promises SA will be safe ahead of Sona 2022

Police minister addresses police officers, says event will not be disrupted

10 February 2022 - 15:28 By TIMESLIVE VIDEO
Law enforcement officials will be on high alert during the Sona on Thursday.
Law enforcement officials will be on high alert during the Sona on Thursday.
Image: Credit: Z Kostile / Parliament

Police minister Bheki Cele had strong words for anyone considering disrupting the state of the nation address (Sona) as law enforcement maintained a strong presence in the Cape Town city centre on Thursday.

Cele addressed dozens of police officers at the Castle of Good Hope

β€œThere have been things that make South Africans not sure whether the country is stable, whether it is under any attack. We want to ensure South Africans SA is safe, SA is stable. There are things that will happen and will be taken care of. There is no panic,” he told police officers. 

Roads around the Cape Town City Hall and parliament have been closed off and those attending the event have to go through security checks. 

Security has been a major concern in the lead-up to this Sona after the fire in the parliamentary precinct on January 2 and subsequent fires around the city. 

Also early last month, a man was arrested after a mysterious hammer attack on the Constitutional Court building in Johannesburg.

The man accused of setting parliament alight is expected back in court on Friday. 



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