WATCH | Scathing remarks made to Ramaphosa after Sona 2022

15 February 2022 - 06:00 By Maryam Adams

The debate on the 2022 state of the nation address commenced on Monday, four days after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s speech at Cape Town's city hall.

Proceedings were heated as DA leader John Steenhuisen formally tabled a vote of no confidence in President Cyril Ramaphosa's cabinet.

“So here is what is going to happen, Mr President, because you are showing that you are a president of talk and not of action. We are going to make it easy for you. Today I have tabled a vote of no confidence, not in you, but in your whole cabinet in terms of section 102(1) of the constitution,” said Steenhuisen.

The DA, EFF, IFP and ATM have all shown contempt towards the ruling party and called for immediate action from Ramaphosa.



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